Try Some Tiny Sounding Dog Names for Naming Really Big Dogs

Try Some Tiny Sounding Dog Names for Naming Really Big Dogs

Here are some tiny sounding names that are usually assigned to tiny pups - Nibbles, Kiwi, Widget, Notebook, Kewpie, PeeWee, Doodle, Laptop, and Putt-Putt (for a puppy with short legs).

A cute idea is to use opposites for additional unique dog names like using the name "Moose" for a very small dog or using "Peanut" for a super big dog!

Here's are some additional name ideas from the Cool Dog Names list on - Aspen, Azure, Capri, Charisma, Denali, Java, Mahala, Maui, Mignon, Nirvana, Pirouette, Rio, Sahara, Sierra, Taboo, Tiara

Why Do Puppies Cry at Night?

Why Do Puppies Cry?

Have you ever wondered why new puppies cry at night? Have you found yourself at the end of your rope with paper training? Are you having difficulty keeping your new puppy from jumping on visitors or barking all the time?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, consider picking up The Common Sense Guide to Puppy Care online. I have read the material and found it to be a very helpful care and feeding guide for new puppy owners.

After many years of working professionally with dogs, Kathy has taken her own experiences and condensed them into an easy to use guide.  No more chewed furniture or soiled carpet, The Common Sense Guide to Puppy Care by Kathy Davison is loaded with tips and strategies for making your new puppy experience both rewarding and pleasurable.

More details on their official website...

Move Over Rover... A Fun Fact About Puppy Names

Here's a fun fact about puppy names...

Did you know that you will use your dog's name over 35,000 times during his lifetime? In fact, you'll use the name 5,000 time in the puppy's first year alone!!

For this reason, the simple act of naming your puppy is a very significant one. If you have kids, you should ask them what they want to name their puppy and really take their suggestions into consideration. Letting them participate in the puppy naming process will be something they remember for the rest of their lives!

Cute Link of the Day
Toy Department for your Dog!

Naming a New Puppy: Choosing Pup Names Wisely

Naming a New Puppy: Choosing Pup Names Wisely

It's very important that you choose your new puppy's name wisely. A name like "Fang" can be super guests in your home that are already leary of dogs.

Your new puppy will quickly grow to become a major part of your family so it's important that you select a name you'll enjoy caling out again, and again, and again. New pups give you a fun opportunity to choose one of those names that you could never give one of your human children, so go ahead and get wild by picking something silly and outrageous!

Your new pup will lick you for it!

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